Spot the Artist


Happy New Year! Time to get back to the grind; I got my holiday decorations put away (mostly) and my carpets cleaned and laundry washed! A fresh start to the New Year. I’m now sitting at my desk formulating new directions for 2016. There are many directions to choose. I have discovered that when faced with a large chunk of time or a big project it is best to distill, segment, and then prioritize.

It helps to put structure towards success. Here’s my outline, I’m breaking it down to 4 areas of focus:

Heart – Health — Home & Creativity


Under Heart come my relationships with family and friends (in that order) I want to spend more quality time with my family and friends so please connect with me I would love to meet for coffee or a quick walk/talk.

Under Health comes my physical as well as mental health I plan to incorporate more exercise / walking mainly (I’m just not that into exercise) I’ll park my car further from the entrance and take the stairs.
I will take time to meditate and breathe and to eat less, but healthy food. I’m utilizing an app to help me track my calories and exercise: my goal is to lose at least 10 lbs., reduce my cholesterol and to have more energy

Under Home I basically want to reduce my STUFF and live less cluttered. I had the luxury of a maid once a month for a while and have decided to put that expense towards reducing my credit cards each month; getting my financial “home” in order is important to have a worry & debt free lifestyle.

Actually Creativity can be listed under “Heart” – as its part of who we are and what we love, it’s the outward manifestation of “Us”. I have had starts and stops with a number of creative projects, something always got in the way or took priority. I’m going to devote more time to these lost artifacts.
I plan on getting into my studio on a more consistent basis and I am convinced that The Muses will visit!

Now this is the basis for a good beginning and not written in granite we all need to be flexible because life will throw us curve balls and we need to be able to go with the flow. The ability to regroup – restructure and begin again will enable one to rise up and not totally surrender to life’s blows. Trust me on this one 😉

Then there’s BUSINESS.

First and foremost I’d like to thank all of our clients old, new and potential! Moosenchick keeps plugging away and we couldn’t have had continued success if it wasn’t for your support.
Much Gratitude and Thanks to you all!

If you noticed “Business” wasn’t placed in the four main categories, why is that you ask? Well…… I need to separate it from my main priorities in order to be analytical about managing the business. However, it is all still so intertwined in how my life runs on a daily basis. Our clients continue to be a priority and giving the highest quality product for a reasonable price continues to be our axiom. We love to collaborate with artists and absolutely love the friendships we maintain.

As a small business owner I’d like to see our business expand and we have added a new service to assist emerging artists – check out our e-mail campaign here: or contact us for more info.

There are other things in the works and on the horizon so please stay tuned / in touch. If you would like to get occasional updates please go HERE to be placed on our e-mail list.

For those of you who may not know I am ADMIN. For a couple of Facebook groups here in the Northern VA area:

NOVA FINE ARTISTSLeague of Reston ArtistsReston Photographic Society

Please connect with your Creative Community– share information — works in progress — be supportive
I’m hoping to schedule a few meet ups in the coming year please let me know your interest for types of gatherings.

Finally, I’d like to encourage all of us to be more open, accepting, helpful and above all KIND.
Because KINDESS COUNTS!       Love,  CHICK